
Global Egg Donors Agency

Our mission is to provide high-quality global egg donors with low-cost solutions to help you start or extend your family.
We’re part of a fertility group with 15 years of experience helping families.

Select Egg Donors Services

Egg Donation

Scientific advancements in freezing technology have now made frozen donor eggs an effective and immediate treatment option. We have a variety of donor eggs ready for use from various ethnic groups.

Embryo Creation Program

In some cases, traveling for egg donation is not a viable option. many choose to ship sperm to one of our international fertility centers, create the embryos, and ship them back to a local clinic for transfer.

Egg Donation Abroad

Is a method of assisted reproduction which uses the oocytes (eggs) of a third party female to aid in the fertility process. In The US, costs can average $35,000 or more, Our programs can save you as much as 70%.

What is IVF with Egg Donation?

Low Cost Egg Donation

IVF with egg donation is the process of using a young, healthy, third party female’s eggs to help conceive a child. In today’s busy world, with many waiting longer to conceive, the use of donor eggs is a new way of creating modern families.  Unlike with own eggs, success with donor eggs is not as much tied to age.  As long as a woman has a healthy uterus and other indications for a healthy pregnancy, women can conceive much longer.

The use of donor eggs with in-vitro fertilization (IVF) may happen for many reasons including:

  • Repeat failures using one’s own eggs with IVF;
  • Premature ovarian failure;
  • Decreased ovarian reserve and age-related factors – often females over the age of 40 will use donor eggs to dramatically increase the chance of a successful pregnancy.  Women over 40 have much lower chances of success with IVF and increased chances of chromosomal abnormalities;
  • A genetic problem that may be passed on from a woman to her offspring; using donor eggs can offset this risk;
  • Same-sex male couples or single men wishing to have a family through egg donation and surrogacy.

Egg Donors Database

Egg Donor Database

Know our Egg Donor Database where we have a wonderful group of global egg donors and some of the top global fertility clinics getting leading success rates.

Find your perfect match.


Unlike donor sperm, frozen donor eggs have not been a realistic treatment option until recently. With major scientific advances in freezing technology, donor eggs are now a common and frequent treatment protocol.

All of our eggs are frozen using vitrification, a method of flash freezing used in all top global clinics. Vitrification leads to high survival rates of eggs, typically over 92%. Science has advanced so there is now comparable fertilization, implantation, and success rates between fresh and frozen eggs (ASRM, 2012).

Our laboratories freeze eggs using a method of egg super-vitrification created by the actual inventor of modern vitrification technology. In Select Egg Donors our unique system is designed to produce unprecedented success.

Our embryologists freezing eggs have been trained directly by the inventor or his team and have received certification demonstrating their ability to produce 100% survival of frozen and thawed eggs in training.